Other Services
Maternity Services
To self refer to the maternity services please click here
You will need to fill out your details and email these to the bookings team. If you are unable to do this please contact the surgery who will be happy to help.
All partners offer Maternity Services supported by the Practice Midwives who work with the Doctors in providing antenatal and postnatal care. The Midwives will make antenatal and postnatal home visits and arrange antenatal classes.
As General Practitioners of Medicine we are very happy to provide antenatal and postnatal care for our patients. However, as we are not GP Obstetricians we are not able to undertake home deliveries.
Community Midwives Contact Number- Call 01473 702666, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
If you need to speak to a community midwife, please use contact the above number.
For urgent or emergency enquires out-of-hours or at the weekend, please telephone Deben Delivery Suite on 01473 703040, or Brook Birth Centre on 01473 703020.
Hospice Services
We work closely with the specialist MacMillan Nurses and St Elizabeth Hospice who work with patients with advanced illnesses, including cancer, motor-neurone disease and other life-threatening illnesses to ensure that they experience a good quality of life. Together we strive to enable patients wherever possible to be free of pain and other symptoms including emotional distress.
There is no charge to patients as the Hospice is funded by donation.
NHS Breast Screening Programme
Invitations to Breast Screening are sent out automatically by the Health Authority every three years to women aged between 50 and 70. Women under 50 are not offered routine screening because it is more difficult to detect in the younger woman and also because the incidence of breast cancer in this age group is lower.
Over 50, breast cancer is more common and interpretation of the x-ray more reliable. Women can ask their GP to refer them to a hospital breast clinic if they are concerned about a specific breast problem or otherwise worried about the risk of breast cancer. This is not part of the NHS Breast Screening Programme.
There has been some instances women were not being invited for their final breast screen between their 68th and 71st birthday. Women on a GP register in England, now aged 70 & 79 years, will receive a letter. Those aged up to 72 will be sent a catch up screening invitation. Women aged 72 and above will be offered the opportunity for a screen.
Routine breast screening will be unaffected and most women in these age groups will still have received their final screen.
The Helpline telephone number is 0800 169 2692 if you need any advice.
One Life Suffolk
Please visit them on: https://onelifesuffolk.co.uk/ for more information.
Get Well, Keep Well
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.